Brad is committed to the following core values... 8-12-16
- Ensure that every student is afforded the opportunity to work at his/her optimum and to become a strong academic achiever as well as an effective communicator.
- Provide the support for students to become an active and integral part of their community to build a stronger tomorrow for future generations.
- Make decisions based on the best interests of the students and teachers.
- Recognize that success requires a team effort made up of students, teachers, district staff, parents, school board, and community friends.
- Believe the best way to build a team is to listen well, to reach out and openly share ideas, identify needs, and prioritize our goals.
- Challenge the limitations that have kept us from supporting those that contribute their best, the teachers, to the education of our students.
- Pursue collaboration, hard work, and encouragement within the structure of the Alta Loma School District Board.
📷 Proven Leadership, Integrity and Vision for our Future!